Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I moved my 101 posts over to my main blog!

Keep track over here!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

22. Take a yoga class

I have now gone to 3 yoga classes with my friend Dani.

I have taken all 3 from 3 separate instructors, so it has been really interesting to see how different teachers teach! I have done a headstand (against the wall lol) and all kinds of fun stretchy yoga poses!

I am not great about the "ohm" thought part of yoga, but I try! haha.

I definitely want to keep going :)

ps forgot to add.....Collin came with us to one! It was fun to have him along :)

9. Save enough money to put money down on a new car/buy a new car

I bought a new car!!

Meet Dory, my Ford Escape......I mean Es-Cop-Ay!

Monday, July 26, 2010

13 down!

I just transferred my 101 list to an excel spreadsheet, where it is easier to track how many tasks are completely finished. At this point, I have completed 13 of 101 tasks! 18 are in progress and 70 aren't even started haha.

Time to get moving!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

63. See 5 new states. (1/5)

Well friends, I made it to Arkansas. Collin is now stationed there, and I took a super quick (free thanks to Delta vouchers) trip for a weekend in June. And this past Monday evening, I got back from a great 6 days with him :)

I really enjoy Little Rock. Collin has been stationed on the panhandle of Florida and Corpus Christi, Texas, since I have known him. Both areas were......not my idea of a city. I am a Baltimore girl, and I may live in the 'burbs, but I know what a city looks like. Little Rock kind of meets my expectations :)

It's not HUGE, but there are actual parts to the city. Collin lives on the North side, right by the downtown area. However, we hop on the highway and head further north to the base and a lot of the suburbs where his friends live. We head southwest and go to the climbing gym. You never feel like you are changing towns, like it did to drive from Milton to Pensacola. And Corpus Christi.....well don't get me started.

I am glad I have gotten to see Little Rock, and as always, where Collin is living!

53. Run 210 miles in 2010 (76.5/210)

So, I am up to 76.5 miles in 2010! I made a low estimate for January, February, and March. I started "counting" in February, when I created this blog, but I started writing down my miles starting in April.

My goal of 210 is looming! I still have over half of the miles left to run, and half the year left to do it (minus 7 days!). I calculated that I have to run around 22 miles per month in order to meet my goal! It is miserably hot out, but I am getting back on track tomorrow! One of the problems I have is my favorite route to run is only about 1.7 miles. We don't have a good two mile route, which would be my go to distance. If we don't do the 1.7 mile run, the shortest we can do without putting a ton of thought into it is 2.75. Maybe tomorrow we will set out on the 2.75 track. I can figure out what 2.25 or so would be, and walk it out if I need to! I need to start pushing my distances more!

35. Try 5 new recipes. (5/5) and 24. Complete four 5ks (2/4)

Well, I finished #35! And am halfway to #24. These two were completed on the same day.

On Father's Day, my dad and I ran a Father's Day 5k that benefited the NICU of a local hospital. It was not a great run, but I crossed the finish line :)

before we started!

Afterwards, I had my mom and dad over to my apartment, where I made breakfast! Mom was really helpful in getting everything ready with me, and we had scrambled eggs, French toast, fruit salad, bacon, and scrapple!! We love scrapple :)

The French toast recipe came from my Hungry Girl cook book. I will have to type up the recipe. It was pretty good…..a little bland, but overall pretty yummy for as healthy as it is supposed to be!

with my breakfast feast

19. Buy myself a Coach purse

Well, I went a little crazy....

I got 3 ITEMS from Coach :)

It started with a trip to the Coach store in Towson Town Center. I ended up getting a swing pack and a black wristlet there. I spent $230.

The next night, Laura and I took a trip to the outlets in Queenstown. Oh MAN, are the prices better there or what???? I also had a 20% off coupon, AND they had a huge clearance section that was an additional 50% off the marked down price. I found a swingpack that I liked a LOT better than the one I had bought, and found a brown wristlet....I spent $105 there! Then, the next day I returned the swingpack to the Coach store in the mall and got $130 back.

So, moral of the story, I got 2 wristlets and a swingpack for $200!

Meet my new friends!

Friday, May 28, 2010

80. Buy a new comforter

Since I bought a new bed, I bought a new queen size comforter!!

I love my new bedroom :)

57. Donate blood 10 times (1/10)

Tomorrow morning, I am set to donate blood at 10:30. I am finally getting off my lazy butt to do this because of my friend Leah and her baby Kason. Leah had preeclampsia and Kason was born 11 weeks early. He is strong but struggling with his lung functions.

I was motivated by them because according to the Red Cross, I am CMV negative. CMV is a pretty common virus, and usually isn't particularly harmful to people with healthy immune systems. However, premature babies, people with immune deficiencies, organ recipients, etc., cannot get blood that has been exposed to CMV. Therefore, my blood goes to those people. It is apparently rare to be CMV negative, so I need to do my part and donate regularly.

20. Buy a new computer

Well, my computer bit the dust. The charger was breaking and the battery was dead. It moved at a snail's pace and was miserable to use. So I bought a Sony Vaio on Tuesday! I am in love so far. It is white and beautiful and new and fast. I got an i3 processor, which is not the fastest but is part of the new processors.

It has a webcam! So I got to have a webcam date with my boy :) Which put an ENORMOUS smile on my face for a while.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

83. Use the reusable shopping bags I have when grocery shopping

I actually remembered my Pink Breast Cancer re-usable bags! My mom bought me 3 for Christmas, and I NEVER remember to put them in my car. I went to the grocery store on Sunday and purposely brought them with me. I got my cool barcode gun and loaded my bags as I went. I LOVE the barcode scanning thing, but it's always a pain to load up plastic bags at the end (cause I suck at using the reusable bags haha). Having the bags and the scanner was awesome! AND I was able to put the bags over my shoulder!

I am a convert :)

Monday, April 19, 2010

97. Dye my hair some different color

I got my hair highlighted! Lots more blonde is running through it, and in a couple weeks when I go back, I might go for a bit more blonde!

46. Watch 52 movies I've never seen, one per week (4/52)

I believe I am up to 4. While I was with Collin this weekend, we watched Just Cause and Couples Retreat.......Just Cause was CREEPY and Couples Retreat was very cute!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

35. Try 5 new recipes. (2/5)

Made crockpot chili! I got a recipe off the internet and it is in my crockpot now! I will cook it overnight and hopefully awake to the delightful aroma of yumminess

•2 lbs. ground chuck
•1 cup chopped onion
•1 green pepper, chopped
•2 to 3 ribs celery, chopped
•1 large (28 oz.) can crushed tomatoes
•1 (8 oz.) can tomato sauce
•2 cans kidney or pinto beans, drained
•1 tsp. pepper
•3 tsp. chili powder
•1 tsp. garlic salt


In a large skillet, brown the ground beef. Drain well. Combine all ingredients in a slow cooker; cover and cook for 7 to 8 hours on LOW, or until done.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

75. Visit my mom-mom 5 times, unrelated to family gatherings (2/5)

The parents and I went out to visit my grandmother for lunch for her BIRTHDAY! She turned 84 today :) Happy Birthday Mom-Mom!

Surprise 80th Birthday Party with 6 of 9 grandchildren

Saturday, March 27, 2010

24. Complete four 5ks (1/4)

First 5k- CHECK!

I was more nervous than I wanted to let on. I knew I would be insanely disappointed in myself if I stopped before it was finished. THe first mile was SO EASY. Everyone was running super fast and my dad got swept off with the crowd (reflected in the fact that he ran a 9:48 first mile and then a 14 minute second mile lol) but I just kept my pace. I knew if I went too fast at the beginning, I would burn out. I kept my pace pretty much the whole time. First mile was 11:30 I think, 2nd was 25:05, and then I finished at 38:05 at 3.1 miles......so I did an expected slow down but nothing crazy. I know I am not fast, but throughout the race, I never ONCE thought I couldn't finish. I w ould like to improve my time a little bit, but i am not really all that concerned about it. I finished and that's what matters :)

It wass SO COLD in the morning, so I layered up. It hadnt warmed up before we started, so I ran in full sweats and layers.....I was so hot by the end! Hopefully the future ones will be better.....I dont mind a sweatshirt but the sweatpants were hot!

Official time was posted as 38:05 and I was 264 of 374 runners I think.

Friday, March 26, 2010

89. Send WOL care packages/cards (1/5)

I just sent my amazing friend, Leah, a present! She is about to be a mommy and just found out she has preeclampsia at 26 weeks 4 days. She is in the hospital til her little man comes, which will be in the next 5 weeks. The night before she got admitted to the hospital, I decided to buy her a present for being a soon to be mama :)

71. Save a dollar for every task I complete, for a shopping excursion when I am done.

I just popped $5 into savings for my COMPLETELY completed tasks :)

39. Buy someone a gift for no reason.

I just popped 2 presents in the mail for my favorite Salisbury loves :) I was going to wait for a reason to gift them, but I decided to just send them anyway! They should get them on Monday.

For Kristianna

Can't find the thing I got for Bre.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

53. Run 210 miles in 2010 (25/210)

Guesstimating low, I think I am up to 25 miles! I am probably higher, but I suck at keeping track haha. So yayyyy for 25 miles! I only started officially counting when I started my 101, so I actually have ran more in 2010. Buttttt, here's to running 210 in 2010!

46. Watch 52 movies I've never seen, one per week (2/52)

Last week, I saw The Incredibles for the first time. It was great! I can't believe I have never seen it before!

I also watched Up In The Air with George Clooney. It was pretty good, a little depressing but overall a good movie.

8. Get a puppy

Well, it's with a heavy heart I write this blog entry.

I got a puppy on March 14. She was a beagle mix from a rescue and was 8 weeks old on March 16. I kept her for 5 days, and then took her back to the rescue. She was an amazing little girl, and it is making me sad to write this.

Delaney was a great puppy. She was rambunctious but curled up to nap all the time. She was mastering potty training pretty well and ate like a little horse. She has this great little attitude.....she got annoyed when I didn't let her wander wherever she wanted and would turn around and look at me and yank her head away. She was the perfect puppy for me......at the wrong time. She was just too much for me. Unfortunately, it took getting a puppy for me to realize I am not ready for the responsibility or committment. My heart broke into 1000 little pieces when I took her back.

I know it was the right choice for her and for me. She deserved someone who had more time to devote to her and someone who had more time they WANTED to devote to her. If I had had a partner in this, it would have been different. But being tied to my apartment and a little life was too much for me.

I miss her a lot, but I know it would have been the ultimate selfish act to keep her cause I was too weak to say goodbye.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

35. Try 5 new recipes. (1/5)

I tried a new meatloaf recipe! My amazing friend Jamie gave me the recipe and it was delicious! And super easy

  • 2 lbs of ground beef (I used turkey and it tasted completely the same)
  • 2 eggs, beaten
  • 1 box of stuffing (I used chicken flavor and the first time I ate it it really threw me off haha. I might try it with non-flavored stuffing next time)
  • Some amount of barbecue sauce, put in whatever you want haha. And then spread it across the top before you put it in the oven.
Mix it all together like you would a meatloaf (I will be purchasing gloves the next time I try it haha) and either form it into a loaf, or be cool like me and make meatloaf "brownie" as my mom called it. I took a 9x9 glass baking dish and mushed it in haha. It came out delicious! Cook for an hour and done!

Oh and if you are cooking for one.....cut the recipe in half!!! I made it a week ago and am STILL eating meatloaf haha. I froze some of it

Thank you Jamie!

6. Finish the curtains for my living room

As of Sunday, my mom and I finished my living room curtains! They still need hemming but they look great! I need to rig something up, cause the tension rod for the BIG window is sagging. But the window frame is metal so I cant put one of those drilled hooks in it.

Monday, March 1, 2010

53. Run 210 miles in 2010 (8/210)

I am up to about 8 miles since I started this. Before that, I probably ran 15-20 miles, but I am gonna stick with the number since I started thtis. I am estimating low, it's possible I am up to 10 miles. However, I don't wanna fake it so I am gonna estimate low.

23. See a dermatologist.

Tomorrow, I have an 11 am appointment at the dermatologist. First time in my adult life to go to the derm, the last time I think was 15 and the guy has since retired. I am getting a full body scan and I know this is something I need to do, because I really see my body as skin cancer waiting to happen. After 6 summers spending 40+ hours a week in the sun, with minimal sun screen, it will be a miracle. But thinking it will happen and actually getting skin cancer are two different things, so I am a bit nervous to go to the dermatologist tomorrow. However, it is a NECESSARY thing to ensure my health.

16. Go to mass 5 times, unprovoked (not Christmas/Easter) (1/5)

I went to mass on Sunday with my mom, before we headed off to the parish Chicken Dinner, where we are minions for the day. My mom flours chickens and I help make carry out tick. I always stay the night at my parents before the Chicken Dinner, so that we can get up super early and hit 7 am mass. TRUE, my mom could go the night before and I could go if I felt like it the night before, BUT then we would never be on time to help with Chicken Dinner haha.

So one down!

Monday, February 22, 2010

44. Feed the parking meter for someone random

I was at the post office today, which is one of our few places that has traditional parking meters. Most of the other spots in Towson have the machine you buy a little piece of paper from haha. So, I went into the post office, did my thing, and then maxed out the meter when I came out. Unfortunately or fortunately, that was only 50 cents cause it's a 30 minute limit on the meter. BUT those spots ALWAYS have someone in them, so I am hoping I helped out a few people going into the post office!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

75.Visit my mom-mom 5 times, unrelated to family gatherings

I went to visit my grandmother today, with my dad and uncle. I am pretty sure she forgot my mom, seeing that she is getting old and crazy lol and hardly remembers anything. But I know she recognized me, so it's ok. She didn't call me by name the whole time, but she referred to "your Collin" as opposed to my brother, so I know she sill knows me.

I think going to see her more often, other than family gatherings, may help with that. She wasn't expecting all of us to show up, so I am guessing we just caught her by surprise.

First thing down on the list! Well.....sort of down haha

My 101 list is complete!!!

1. Read 100 books (0/100)
2. Visit my brother in TX
3. Go on a cruise
4. Buy a bike
5. Finish the slip covers for my couch
6. Finish the curtains for my living room
7. Use my Crockpot once a month
8. Get a puppy
9. Save enough money to put money down on a new car/buy a new car
10. Save $15,000
11. Live in the same place as Collin
12. Collect all the stars in Mario Galaxy
13. Take a knitting class
14. Knit a new scarf!
15. Take a photography class
16. Go to mass 5 times, unprovoked (not Christmas/Easter) (0/5)
17. Not drink soda for 2 weeks
18. Run Race for the Cure
19. Buy myself a Coach purse
20. Buy a new computer
21. Send Collin random postcards/notes 5 times (0/5)
22. Take a yoga class w Sherry
23. See a dermatologist.
24. Complete four 5ks (0/4)
25. Complete a 10k
26. Sky dive
27. Take a spontaneous road trip.
28. Ride in a hot air balloon.
29. Go horseback riding
30. Go to Hawaii.
31. Do a mini-triathlon
32. Go wine tasting
33. Scuba Dive.
34. Go one week without spending any money.
35. Try 5 new recipes. (0/5)
36. Cook dinner for more than just myself……dinner party!
37. Meet a WOL friend.
38. Do something that scares me.
39. Buy someone a gift for no reason.
40. Read a self-help book that would benefit me
41. Send random care packages
42. Go to Europe
43. Play through Mario Galaxy as Luigi
44. Feed the parking meter for someone random
45. See a play on stage
46. Watch 52 movies I've never seen, one per week (0/52)
47. Send in a postcard to PostSecret.
48. Go to a shooting range
49. Have a spa day
50. Watch Lost
51. Drink only water for a week, 4 times (0/4)
52. Buy a bedroom set
53. Run 210 miles in 2010
54. Go to bed by 10 at least one night of the week
55. Get a tattoo, if I WANT one
56. Get a mani/pedi 8 times (0/8)
57. Donate blood 10 times (0/10)
58. No eating after 8pm for 3 weeks total (21 days). (0/21)
59. Plant a tree.
60. Adopt a child for the 2010 holiday season.
61. Answer the “20 Questions You Should Ask Yourself Every Sunday” 10 times. (0/10)
62. Visit Boston.
63. See 5 new states. (0/5)
64. Blog about every completed task. (0/101)
65. Send a letter to myself to be opened on my 30th birthday, using www.FutureMe.Org.
66. Ride a motorcycle
67. Watch 20 Walt Disney films (0/20)
68. Make my own bread
69. Leave an inspirational note inside a book for someone to find at the library
70. Pay for someone else’s food behind me at the drive-thru
71. Save a dollar for every task I complete, for a shopping excursion when I am done.
72. Sign Shannon up for four more weird magazines/email lists.
73. Get my real estate license
74. Buy a nice camera
75. Visit my mom-mom 5 times, unrelated to family gatherings (1/5)
76. Get professional pictures of myself taken
77. Get professional pictures with the family/brother
78. Try 5 new wines (0/5)
79. Make curtains for my bedroom
80. Buy a new comforter
81. Take lunch to work everyday for two weeks (0/10)
82. Take a cake decorating class
83. Use the reusable shopping bags I have when grocery shopping
84. Draft a living will
85. Make my bed every day for one week (0/7)
86. Purge and donate old clothes from closets
87. Vote!
88. Go to a drive in movie
89. Send WOL care packages/cards (0/5)
90. Take a bubble bath.
91. Cook a full meal at home at least once a week
92. Learn to change a tire and basic car maintenance
93. Make my own hillbilly golf game
94. Join an adult softball league
95. Go to Sunday in the Country
96. Encourage someone else to do 101 in 1001
97. Dye my hair some different color
98. Fast for 24 hours
99. Moisturize every night for a month.
100. Buy a George Foreman grill
101. Finish everything on this list.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

66 items!

I have 66 items on my list! Only need 35 more! If you have any suggestions, please let me know!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

41 so far!

41 items so far! With a little help from my WOL friends :) only 60 to go!

101 in 1001

The Challenge:
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on your part).

Why 1001 Days?
Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple challenges such as New Year's resolutions or a 'Bucket List'. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing some tasks such as overseas trips, study semesters, or outdoor activities.